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At some point I started to take my sketchbook with me wherever I travel. It gives me joy to document the landscapes I see in watercolour or gouache. Then, when I'm back from the trip, I try to examine and reinterpret my original sketches.

cities & places

My fascination with urban structures and cities naturally led to the decision to study architecture. Or was it the other way around? I really can't remember.

All I know is that I have to observe. And sketch.


ever since I remember I was very curious about nature and- being an introvert kid- often played with insects and made friendships with them. I am still often catching myself just observing these little creatures with pure fascination and amazement. How is that possible that they go on in some many different colours and shapes? Where are they heading to?

How can they transform from a worm into a butterfly?

curious to see more of my artwork?

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